Published May 15, 2023

Five of the Finest Pieces of Cut Content Regarding the Elden Ring

Although there is a significant amount of content available in Elden Ring, players may be surprised to learn that there was originally even more.

Anyone who has spent even a short amount of time playing Elden Ring is well aware that the game is jam-packed to the utmost capacity with content. Incredible level and enemy design, one-of-a-kind loot, and intriguing side quests are all over the place, making it almost impossible to avoid them! The resounding success of Elden Ring can, of course, be attributed in large part to this factor.


It would appear that the developers made use of each and every asset they had at their disposal. Except for the fact that this statement couldn't be more untrue. Even though there is an absolutely mind-boggling amount of content in Elden Ring, there is still a great deal more that we do not have access to. Also, keep in mind that the game has only been out for a short period of time, and that fans have probably been pretty busy actually playing the game rather than looking for old content, so there is most certainly going to be more added in the future! These are the most interesting bits of content that were cut from Elden Ring.

5 – Accumulating Your Dreams
The Dream Collecting side-quest is a piece of cut content that features a quest line that is equally original and intriguing. Elden Ring fans should feel a great deal of regret that they will not be able to experience it. This massive piece of content that was cut required the player to travel through the Lands Between and literally collect the dreams of creatures while they slept. The list features common foes for wolves, such as land-octopi, in addition to a great deal of other foes.

The quest was found in a test build of Elden Ring from 2021, but perhaps it would be better if this information never leaked, because the sheer amount of content that was scrapped from the game is extremely disheartening. The quest was found in a test build from 2021. This quest had many components that were removed from the game, some of which include a Monk merchant NPC, a one-of-a-kind item that could be used to capture dream mist, and cryptic dialogue. But who can say for sure? Perhaps this incredibly fascinating questline will one day be included in an expansion pack, at which point players will be able to appreciate it to its full potential.

4 – Covenants
Believe it or not, Elden Ring was supposed to have several different covenants in its original design, and players were supposed to be able to choose which one they wanted to align themselves with. This is significant because in previous Dark Souls games, covenants played a significant part, especially in the player-versus-player combat.

It has been speculated by some that covenants will still be playable in Elden Ring, particularly in light of the impending launch of the game's PVP Colosseum downloadable content (DLC). Regrettably, not much else is known about the potential function that this mechanic would play in Elden Ring, but it is reasonable to assume that the removal of covenants resulted in the removal of a large number of non-player characters and questlines.

3 – Vyke's Quest
There is not a single Elden Ring player who is unaware of who Vyke is; the only variable is whether or not they know his full name. Vyke, the solitary knight depicted on the official cover art for Elden Ring, is also the only one of the game's playable characters to make an appearance. However, both his screen time and his usefulness are quite restricted.

However, through extensive data mining, players have found out that Vyke was actually the one who started an entire questline all along! Even though there aren't any subtitles to go along with it, there is some dialogue that was cut out for the soldier. In it, he talks about a knight whose armor has melted. It is reasonable to assume that Vyke's quest would have required him to look for this faceless individual, and, well, the rest of the story is up to you to figure out.

2 – The Seventh Chapter's Finale
It is fairly common knowledge that the Elden Ring has six different endings, each of which must be activated by completing a lengthy and complicated series of tasks in order to access them. After experiencing each of these unique conclusions, the player is presented with a unique cutscene that makes them feel simultaneously more perplexed and more intrigued than they did before. Why then are there seven different cutscenes if there are only six different endings?

Data miners have discovered a seventh cutscene that was never used but is fully animated and voiced. This provides almost irrefutable evidence that there were plans to include yet another hidden ending. Nobody is entirely sure what the prerequisites were in order to unlock this secret ending, but they must have been fairly specific. On the other hand, the cutscene can be viewed by anyone interested online. Who knows, maybe you'll be the one to figure it out!

1. Troops Bearing Armor
This is the entry on this list that has the greatest potential to become a part of Elden Ring in one of the updates that will take place in the future. The data-mined game files reveal that there were going to be even more armor sets than what are currently available, despite the fact that Elden Ring already has an enormous number of sets available.

The list of cut wearables includes the Millicent armor set, the Brave armor set, the Golden Prosthetic, as well as a great deal of other items! The fact that each individual piece has its own finished description within the game is perhaps the most fascinating aspect of the whole thing. Even the item descriptions are consistent with the overall narrative of the game! In the end, it is pretty safe to say that sooner or later, some of these awesome sets ought to be added to Elden Ring, and this prediction can be made with a high degree of confidence.

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