Published June 28, 2023

13 Expert Tips For Playing The Scion Class In Path of Exile

In Path of Exile, the Scion is a class that is frequently underappreciated, despite the fact that with the right approach and build, the Scion is capable of dealing devastating damage. It is true that she is the only class that begins in the middle of the passive map, and as a result, she is less likely to become proficient in a single aspect of the game. It is presumed that players will take the moderate approach with her, meaning that they will attempt to do a little bit of everything but will ultimately succeed in doing nothing correctly.


The "master of none" aspect is the primary source of frustration for Path of Exile's experienced players. Examining the various ways in which one spell gem can contribute to the overall deal of the most damage possible. It's probably a Scion that can do that kind of thing. This is something that the Scion excels at. The fact that this example of a DPS machine and an unbreakable tank can be part of the same build for those who are willing to take a little advice first is even more frightening.

The following was modified by Hodey Johns on November 16, 2021:The Scion is still considered one of the best options for players who take pleasure in the game, but it can be a challenging choice for players who are just starting out. The class is unbeatable once it reaches the maximum level; all that remains is to stay alive long enough to reach that point. This list has been expanded to include several new entries to help with this endeavor. Each of these new entries pertains to the process of leveling up the class and not just the idealized build at the conclusion of the game. Due to the fact that the Scion was primarily developed for the endgame, this may be difficult to conceptualize; however, with a few additional tricks, the journey to the top may at least be tolerable. Because of this, they are free to concentrate on the primary passive tree at first and then devote some of their time to learning how to conduct business with other people.

That convenience is not available in the Scion. The decisions you make within this tree zero in on very particular facets of the passive skill tree, boosting the effectiveness of some of those skills while neglecting others.

12 – Have Single Target And Group Damage Abilities
It's easy to fall into the trap of putting all of your effort into a single skill when playing a class that has a propensity toward extremism.

11 – Go To Extremes
Path of Exile is a happy addition to the group of looter games that are still doing very well this year and they are still going strong. However, in order for players to really get into the game and fall in love with it, they need to find a niche.

Making progress toward the outside passives a top priority is all that is required to rectify this situation. It's easy to give in to the temptation of staying close to the beginning of the level, but if you do that, your class will end up with a lot of health and mana but no useful uses for them.

10 – Make the Most of the Gems That Were Offered As Offerings
The sacrificial gems are the additions to the game that the Scion can make the most use of out of all the new content that comes with the Ultimatum expansion.

Naturally, this plays right into the hands of the Scion, as it genuinely treats health and mana totals as junk stats. This plays right into the hands of the Scion. There are eight fresh gems, the majority of which can be utilized by the Scion to create something of value. While balance may be effective for some classes, it is not for this one. The only reason to play the Scion at all is to be able to excel at two activities that are completely unrelated to one another rather than just one.

9 – Utilize your freedom in a creative manner

Because their synergy is counterbalanced, the two ends of the tree are maintained in their distinct positions.

8 – Make The Most Of The Simple Jewel Slots
The convenience of quickly gaining access to additional jewel slots is likely the single most significant benefit offered by the Scion.

It's possible that other classes will try to brag about the ascendancy bonuses they offer, but this advantage completely overshadows those benefits.

7 – Precious Stones Are the Best
It is not a good idea to invest in a large number of active skill gems for the Scion because their abilities will be spread relatively thin. If she needs to use more than four or five abilities during a fight, her resource pool will be depleted very quickly due to this, despite the fact that it is sometimes comforting to believe that there is a spell for every situation. Because of this focused strategy, the Scion has the potential to be the hardest hitter in the game while also having the best tanking abilities.

6 – Be a Tank in Half Yourself
It's easy to get caught up in the appeal of specializing in two different offensive-focused areas of the skill tree, but it's strongly recommended that you spend some time developing some tanking abilities in at least one of the branches. This makes the Scion a highly desirable build in virtually every role-playing game. Everyone daydreams at some point about becoming so powerful that they no longer have to worry about protecting themselves. That won't ever happen, especially not in Path of Exile. It's just not going to happen. It is not necessary to avoid taking damage, absorb it, or even dodge with your mobility because the focus is entirely on burst and survival through dealing damage.

The two-handed weapons deal significantly more damage and are compatible with a wide variety of passive abilities that complement the Scion's playstyle.

4 – Pick Whether You Want To Attack Or Cast Spells
The Scion has a lot of different synergy options available to them, but unfortunately, boosts to attack do not boost spell damage and vice versa.

However, this does not preclude the possibility of arrows or swords being infused with electrical properties or having massive fire stats bestowed upon them. It merely indicates that players who choose to act in this manner need to decide which of the game's primary sources of damage is the most significant.

3 – Get Life And Mana Leech
Even though the Scion is eager to offer advice on how to construct a character in the most intelligent way possible, they do have a few favorite abilities. In particular, anything that focuses on life and mana leech will be a favorite topic of discussion.

The reason for this is due to the fact that she is likely to have low base health and mana if points are spent on damage rather than resources.

2 – Prioritize Burst Damage
For some classes, taking things slowly and steadily may be the best strategy, but the Scion is at her absolute best when she is concentrating on casting powerful spells with significant numbers attached to them. As a consequence of having a low health and mana pool, she has a greater risk of passing away if the fight goes on for a significant amount of time.

The solution is to steer clear of wars that are fought to a standstill. The more damage the Scion deals, the more quickly the battle is won, and the greater the chance that she will live through it.

1. Anticipate Being in the Lead Late in the Match
This is a difficult class to play early on in the game. Players are encouraged to explore their creative sides as they experiment with the Scion's capabilities.

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