Published July 15, 2023

The following is a list of the top ten starting classes that are currently available in the Convergence Modification as compiled by the Elden Ring:

The recently released Convergence Mod, which is now in the Alpha testing phase, has made significant changes to the core gameplay of Elden Ring. These changes have been implemented in response to feedback received from the community. An analysis of how effectively these alterations have been implemented is currently taking place. Despite the fact that it is intended for more seasoned players who have already explored the Lands Between, choosing the starting class that will provide you with the best opportunity to succeed in Elden Ring Convergence is still just as challenging as it has always been. Players of Elden Ring runes may find that these ten options feel more distinct from one another and offer more rewarding gameplay than the other 17 of the staggering 27 new classes that are available in Convergence. These new classes were added as part of the expansion known as Convergence. This is due to the fact that each of the classes provides players with ten distinct play styles from which they can choose when actually playing that class. Aside from that, however, players who select the Prisoner as their Convergence Mod class do not do so with the intention of making use of the increased power that the Prisoner possesses.
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This is because players who select the Prisoner as their Convergence Mod class do not choose the Prisoner. The reason for this is that players who select Prisoner as their Convergence Mod class are not doing so at this time. This is the reason for this situation. If a player chooses the Prisoner path, they will have a more difficult time getting started in the game; however, by the time they reach the end of the adventure, they will have had a more satisfying experience all around. This is because the Prisoner path is more challenging. This is because, beginning at Rune Level 1, they will have a greater say over the manner in which their Stat Points are distributed, which contributes to this result. Another reason for this is that they will have a greater say over the manner in which their Rune Points are distributed. Despite the fact that Sleep does not play a particularly significant role in the game, the Mystic is incapable of functioning without it because its abilities are dependent on it. In the Convergence Mod, Mystic characters begin the game equipped with a Spirit Calling Bell, which grants them the ability to utilize Spirit Ashes from the very first moment in the game onwards.

This is a significant change from the vanilla experience. A significant number of ancestral sorceries have been incorporated into the Elden Ring Convergence Mod. This is done to compensate for the fact that Mystics do not have any natural defenses of their own and is done with the intention of making up for this lack of natural defenses. As a direct result of the implementation of the Convergence Mod, this functionality is now available for a sizeable portion of the newly added spells. This is an improvement over the previous situation. This is due to the fact that the Elden Ring in the original game only allowed for a single adversary to be affected by Madness at any given time. The Witch of the Frost, or more commonly known as the Frost Witch in common parlanceThe Snow Witch set is one of the most fashionable armor sets in Elden Ring, and the Frost Witch is the one who bestows it upon players the moment they begin playing the game. The Snow Witch set is one of the most fashionable armor sets in Elden Ring.

Godskin CelebrantThe Godskin Celebrants can be found in significant numbers in the Windmill Village of Dominula, which is situated on the Altus Plateau in the game world

– These deranged worshipers of the Godskin Apostles and Nobles can be seen dancing around their fires as they wreak havoc on their opponents with their rune-generating melee weapon and an assortment of Black Flame Incantations

– They are able to do this while they use a variety of Black Flame Incantations

– They are able to accomplish this remarkable feat while also participating in a wide variety of Incantations of the Black Flame at the same time

– This is because spells involving Black Flame continue to drain health for a brief period of time after they have been cast, which explains why this phenomenon occurs

– The Godskin Celebrants are now able to cast spells at a significantly faster rate than they were before

– The Godskin Celebrants now have a significantly increased speed with which they are able to cast spells, compared to what it was previously

– After the Vanguard has located a Shield in the area, this becomes even more apparent

– If players are successful in mastering the art of the dodge roll, they will be able to direct the majority of their attention toward increasing their damage output rather than hiding behind a shield

This will allow them to gain a significant advantage over their opponents. Despite the fact that the vast majority of the various kinds of Spells that are available in the game have been improved as a direct result of the Convergence Mod, gravity magic is still very effective. Gravity magic is able to circumvent magical resistances, stun bosses, and break the hardened outer shells of armored foes because the damage that it causes is physical in nature. It is possible for players to immediately improve their overall game play and overall performance in the game by putting their Gravity-based abilities to the test against a challenging enemy in this location, which gives them the opportunity to do so. This location provides the opportunity for players to do so. Helens, and there is absolutely no way that anyone will be able to refute this assertion in any way. On the other hand, in the typical fashion of Convergence Mod, there is a significant increase in variety over what is offered in the game's default settings. This is true despite the fact that the amount of variety offered in the game's default settings remains the same.

Despite the fact that there has not been a substantial change in the overall amount of variety that can be discovered in the game, this is the situation that has arisen. The Volcanist is another one of these kinds of classes that can be found. The Stormcaller is a powerful sorcerer who specializes in wind-based attacks that deal direct physical damage and is a master of spells that call down storms. These wind-based attacks are dealt out by the Stormcaller, who is also a master of spells that call down storms. These assaults are capable of inflicting a sizeable amount of damage. The Starcaller is responsible for this shift in position that has taken place. This is due to the fact that the Dreadnought possesses the ability to wield the Dreadnought Axe, which is capable of dealing a considerable amount of damage. In spite of the fact that the Dreadnought's Intelligence, Faith, and Mind stats are laughable, the Dreadnought's primary function is that of a melee tank. The circumstance has developed in this way in spite of the fact that it does not have Faith. If you want to play a character who is dexterous and quick on their feet, you should look for inspiration in other places if you can't find it within yourself.

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