Published April 23, 2023

The Step-by-Step Guide on How to Play Elden Ring for the First Hour and Collect Seventy Thousand Runes

If you can figure out how to get 70.000 runes in Elden Ring within the first hour of playing the game, it will be of tremendous assistance to you as you begin your journey into the Lands Between. If you can do this, you will have a significant advantage over other players. To a large extent, the bosses in Elden Ring are, like those in the vast majority of other games developed by FromSoftware, among the most challenging I've ever faced in a video game. However, there will be times when you will be able to venture beyond those boundaries and into previously unexplored regions. The difficulty of the game will lead you down a specific path, and you will have to follow it in order to progress. You can easily collect 70.000 Runes in such a short amount of time by looking at our walkthrough for the Elden Ring.

Getting 74K Runes In Elden Ring: Step One

  • You are going to need a weapon that has the capacity to cause bleeding if you want this trick to be successful for you

  • It is recommended that you travel to the Weeping Peninsula in order to achieve this objective

  • Take the road that leads south after crossing the Bridge of Sacrifice, and eventually you will come upon a caravan that travels on the left side of the road and looks very similar to the one that is pictured above

  • If you are successful in plundering the chest that is located at the forefront of the caravan, then you will be rewarded with the Morningstar


To begin, the Morningstar is an incredible weapon, and it satisfies all of our requirements with regard to this topic in a manner that is both efficient and effective. Your character needs to have a strength level of twelve as well as a dexterity level of eight in order to make effective use of it. The minimum required dexterity level is ten. You won't have to worry about anything going wrong as long as you have that, so long as you have it. If that isn't the case, it won't take you very long at all in this area to collect enough runes to get you to your destination, should you choose to go that route. If you do decide to take that path, however, you'll need to make sure that you don't get lost along the way.

Getting 74K Runes In Elden Ring: Step Two
After leaving the previous location, the next place you will go to is the Third Church of Marika. This church is located in the middle of Marika. From the Gatefront Ruins, you can get here by first traveling on the road that goes east, then going over the bridge, and finally proceeding on the road that goes north until you reach it. Limgrave's eastern half is where you'll find it if you're looking for it. While you are there, it is strongly recommended that you pick up the Flask of Wondrous Physick; however, the true objective can be found directly behind the church that you entered the area from.

You ought to be able to find a portal concealed in the trees that are situated close to the water's edge in the shallow part of the lake if you travel to the area that is to the northeast of the church. If you use this portal, you will be transported to Greyoll's Dragonbarrow in the world of Azeroth. This location can be found just outside of the Bestial Sanctum. You were given an enchanted horse to ride, so get on it and head in the direction of the south. Stay on the road and keep your distance from everything else in this area; the majority of your adversaries in this region are capable of putting an end to you in a very short amount of time.

You will come across a dragon that is keeping watch over a bridge; however, if you cross the bridge as quickly as you can, the dragon won't have time to attack you. If you keep going forward in this direction, you will end up in the right place to find the Minor Erd Tree. You can get around it by going to the right, and then you can use the Spirit Spring to climb up onto the cliff after that. If you continue in this direction, you will soon find yourself encircled by a massive dragon and hidden from view if you continue to move in this direction. Your attention ought to be concentrated primarily on this at this moment.

Getting 74K Runes In Elden Ring: Step Three
Now that we've covered that, let's move on to the next topic, which is how to kill a huge dragon. If you approach the Elder Dragon from its front, a number of other, smaller dragons that are nevertheless very dangerous will attack you. If you approach them from behind, on the other hand, they won't be able to touch you at all because they won't be facing you. This is due to the fact that you will be approaching them from behind later. First, move to the left side of the dragon so that you are behind its left wing, and then approach it from that side. You should get in close, and then start the assault using the Morningstar as your primary weapon.

If you play at a level that is considered to be reasonable, the amount of damage that you cause in this region will, at best, be inconsequential. Even if you play at a higher level, the amount of damage that you cause will be negligible. Having said that, it is important to keep a positive attitude in spite of the relatively low damage totals. We brought the Morningstar with us for a specific purpose, and that purpose is to repair any damage that may have been brought on by bleeding. If you keep hitting the Elder Dragon with the Morningstar, you'll notice that significant chunks of its health bar will vanish in a very short amount of time.

Carry on in this manner until the Elder Dragon has successfully departed from this world. The fact that none of the other dragons in the area will make it through this unscathed is a blessing in disguise. After everything is said and done, you will be able to collect the rewards for killing the dragon, which include a staggering 74,000 Runes. These rewards will be available to you when you have finished collecting them. After you have successfully killed the dragon, you are eligible to collect these rewards. Make the most of those runes and use them to their full potential in order to raise your level and get a significant head start on Elden Ring.

That is all the information you need in order to start playing right away with a total of 74,000 runes in your inventory, so you can consider this guide complete. This works very well for new players as well as any player who has made even a moderate amount of progress throughout the game. It also works very well for players who are just starting out in the game. It also works very well for players who have finished even a small portion of the game, which is another target audience for its success.

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