Published October 22, 2022

Complete Guide for Torchlight Infinite Hero Traits

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Thank you for visiting our Torchlight Infinite Hero Traits Wiki. You will learn about Torchlight Infinite Hero Traits in this Torchlight Infinite Hero Traits Guide Wiki. Visit this Torchlight Infinite Hero Traits Guide now to learn more.


Guide for Torchlight Infinite Hero Traits

l  Each hero has special skills known as hero qualities, which affect the hero's appearance at first and general battle strategy.

l  You must decide on a hero and hero attributes while establishing a character. Heroic characteristics cannot be modified later.

l  To modify your character's heroic qualities, you must create a new character.

For instance, Frostfire presently has two heroic abilities: Frostbitten Heart and Ice-Fire Fusion. The two hero qualities have radically distinct fighting philosophies. Frostbitten Heart only enhances Cold skills, but Ice-Fire Fusion enables the hero to employ both Cold and Fire skills.


In Torchlight Infinite, how do you acquire heroic qualities?

l  Currently, S1 has nine heroic qualities, including Rehan's fury, Carino's ranger of glory and lethal flash, Gemma: Frostbitten Heart, Gemma: Ice-Fire Fusion Spacetime illusion, spacetime elapse, order calling, and the wisdom of the gods are all terms used by Youga.

l  When establishing a character on a new account, users can select one of the following free hero traits: Rehan: Anger, Carino: Ranger of Glory, Youga: Spacetime Illusion, Moto: Order Calling, and Gemma: Ice-Fire Fusion.

l  Carino: Lethal Flash and Gemma: Frostbitten Heart are two hero attributes that can be bought.

l  The following hero characteristic is available through in-game accomplishments: Youga: Elapse of Spacetime.

l  Thea: Wisdom of the Gods is a hero trait that can be acquired by purchasing the S1 Season Guide.

l  Once acquired, hero qualities can be used continuously and won't be deleted and reset at the end of each season.


Basic Character Traits for Torchlight Infinite Heroes

Beserker: Fury

Rage is a brand-new resource used by berserkers. When a berserker uses a melee attack skill and sustains damage, Rage is gained. The initial cap on rage is 100. Berserker's attack speed increases by 1% for every five Rage. When a Berserker reaches his maximum Rage with Torchlight Infinite Currency, he automatically enters a Berserk state and receives a bonus that gives him 200 Rage, or double his maximum Rage. Other "XXX per Rage possessed" affixes are also affected by this feature. Using melee attack skills when in a Berserk state uses Rage until all Rage is gone.


Divineshot: Ranger of Glory

Ammo is needed by Divineshot to perform projectile skills. The projectile skill's damage will rise as ammunition is utilized. When there is no ammo, projectile skills cannot be activated or used, and ammo will automatically reload. When the ammo is not empty, players can use the hero skill to manually reload.

Divineshot: Lethal Flash

Ammo is needed by Divineshot to perform projectile skills. When there is no ammo, projectile skills cannot be activated or used, and ammo will automatically reload. When the ammo is not empty, players can use the hero skill to manually reload. Within two seconds of reloading, the damage is increased by 20% by the Lethal Flash trait.


Frostfire: Ice-Fire Fusion

When using or activating Fire Skills, Frostfire gains Fire Energy, and each point of Fire Energy raises Fire Damage. When utilizing Cold Skills, the same holds true. The second kind of energy is lost when gaining Fire or Cold energy. Energy of Fire or Cold is originally restricted to 3. When it reaches its maximum, either Fire Pulse or Cold Pulse is activated to harm opponents around. After this, all energy is lost.

Frostfire: Frostbitten Heart

When using or activating Fire talents, Frostfire gains Fire Energy. Each point of Fire Energy enhances Fire damage. When employing Cold skills, the same holds true. The second kind of energy is lost when gaining Fire or Cold energy. Energy of Fire or Cold is originally restricted to 3. When it reaches its maximum, either Fire Pulse or Cold Pulse is activated to harm opponents around. After this, all energy is lost.


Spacetime Illusion: Spacetime Witness

With a cap of 100%, Spacetime Witness gains 1 Spacetime Energy for every 1% of Maximum Mana used. To cast Twisted Spacetime around himself, use the hero skill (Gauge) to make Spacetime Witness – Spacetime Illusion spend 50 spacetime energy. Spacetime Witness – Spacetime Illusion gains 25% movement speed, 50% spell damage, and 50% attack speed in the Twisted Spacetime.

Spacetime Witness: Spacetime Elapse

With a cap of 100%, Spacetime Witness gains 1 Spacetime Energy for every 1% of Maximum Mana used. To cast Twisted Spacetime around the most potent adversary nearby, use the hero skill (Gauge) to make Spacetime Witness – Spacetime Elapse waste 35 spacetime energy. In the Twisted Spacetime, enemies' Movement Speed will be decreased and they will receive more DoT.


Oracle: Wisdom of The Gods

Oracle receives a blessing once every two seconds (in Torchlight: Infinite, blessings are a unique bonus). The Focus Blessing, which enhances the possibility of dealing double damage, the Agility Blessing, which boosts attack, cast speed, and movement speed, and the Tenacity Blessing, which lessens damage received are some examples of blessings. Oracle will cast Divine Punishment on the closest enemy with a 9 second cooldown by tapping the Gauge hero skill. Divine Punishment consumes all Oracle Blessings and deals Spell Physical Damage.

According to the blessings consumed, Oracle obtains the following benefits: Depending on how many stacks of any blessing are eaten, Oracle increases all damage she deals over the course of the following four seconds.

Depending on how many stacks of Focus Blessing are used, expands the reach of this Divine Punishment.

According to the quantity of Agility Blessing used, Divine Punishment's cooldown recovery speed is also increased. According on how many stacks of Tenacity Blessing are used, the damage of the subsequent Main Skill is also increased.


Commander: Calling Orders

All of the commander's minions acquire Overload for 4 seconds if the commander uses any summoning abilities. 9 second cooldown.

Exclusive to Commanders, Overload raises minions' attack and cast speeds by 35% and doubles their chance to deal double damage by 20%.

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