Published November 24, 2023

LotF 1.1.326: Save File Compatibility, Bosses Buffed, PVP/PVE Split and Performance

Released at the end of 2017, update 1.1.326 for Lords of the Fallen brought a number substantial changes aimed at improving both the single and multiplayer experiences. In this article we will break down some of the key adjustments from the patch and how they have impacted gameplay, including looking at save file compatibility, boss difficulty tweaks, separating PvP and PvE balance and any performance alterations.
  1. Save File Compatibility

One thing players may have been concerned with following such a sizable update is whether their existing save files would still work. Thankfully, Deck13 took steps to ensure 1.1.326 would be backwards compatible. Save files created prior to the patch can still be loaded up without issues. Players are able to pick up where they left off and continue progressing their characters. This was important for allowing both new and returning users to jump straight back into the action without having to restart.


  1. Bosses Significantly Buffed

Among the biggest changes was ramping up the difficulty of bosses and elite enemies. Monsters saw increases to their health, damage output and brand new attacks added to patterns. This has turned previously casual encounters into genuine tests of skill.

Learning enemy tells and finding opportunities to retaliate is now much more important. simply trading hits won't carry players to victory. It really enhances the Souls-like experience Deck13 was going for with more methodical, punishing fights. Fans eager for a tougher challenge definitely get their money's worth post-patch. While it some finds it overly frustrating, for most it adds new life and replayability to honing skills against revamped bosses.

  1. PVP and PVE Mechanics Separated

A smart change was splitting the balancing of Player vs Environment (PvE) combat versus Player vs Player (PvP) modes. This allows separate tuning of attributes like damage, defense and effectiveness of certain LotF items for each.

Pre-patch, any adjustments risked disrupting both. But decoupling them means PvE can focus on fair PvE challenges while PvP thrives with build diversity and vibrant online meta evolutions.

It's a welcome change for the longevity of both aspects going forward. Each receives tailored tweaks to maximize their respective enjoyment.

  1. Performance Improvements

While not a primary focus, Deck13 did apply some performance optimizations with 1.1.326 as well. Things like occasional frame rate dips and loading stutters saw improvements on both consoles and PC. Given the original Lords of the Fallen had some stability issues, any enhancements help smooth out the experience, especially on older hardware. It maintains a stable feel in most circumstances overall now.

Closing Thoughts

Overall, Patch 1.1.326 has revitalized Lords of the Fallen with challenging new boss fights, new LOTF Items separated PvP/PvE tuning and maintained backwards save compatibility. While not matching technical feats of newer games, it satisfies souls-like fans craving for an intensified experience within Hallowed Lands.

The updates successfully breathed new life into this cult classic without disrupting old saves. Both new players and veterans now have incentive to dive back in. It stands as a prime example of post-launch support done right.

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