Published May 14, 2023

A Walkthrough for the Side Quest in Diablo 4 Known as “The Hammer of the Champion

You will be rewarded with increasing sums of gold and experience for completing side quests, in addition to receiving an additional 20 points of renown for the region.
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It is to your advantage to take on and finish as many additional quests, known as side quests, as you possibly can.

We ask that you refer to our guide in order to obtain a detailed summary of all of the optional quests that are currently available in Fractured Peaks:

Side Quests and Other Adventures Connected to the Fractured Peaks RegionQUICK DETAILS CONCERNING THE HAMMER OF THE CHAMPION IN THE GAME DIABLO 4In the video game Diablo 4, one of the weapons available to players is called the Hammer of the Champion. You will find the legendary weapon you are looking for in Rimescar Cavern; it is imperative that you retrieve it.

It is recommended that you reach at least a level 15 to achieve optimal performance.

This brings one to the location known as Call of the Ancients in a straightforward manner.


– The legendary Grizzlys Maul, which he had possessed in the past, can now be found in the possession of the Khazra

– He claims that the last time anyone saw him, he was being dragged into a cave close to Malnok, and that this was the case the last time anyone saw him

– Moreover, he claims that this was the case the last time anyone saw him

– It is still possible for you to acquire the Hammer of the Champion, even if you have not yet freed Malnok Stronghold

– However, a red warning will appear on your quest description indicating that you will need to free Malnok first in order to acquire the Hammer of the Champion

– You will first need to open Malnok in order to be able to enter the dungeon that is located within Rimescar Cavern

– Assuming that Malnok has been cleared of all of its previous inhabitants, it is now time to make your way back to Rimescar Cavern, which can be found directly to the north of the stronghold

– You need to continue moving forward until you reach the next T-junction, at which point you should make a turn to the south

– After reaching that point, continue along it into the cave

You will need to make your way to the second section of this dungeon, which means that you will have to complete the quests that are located within the dungeon for at least a short period of time. If you do not complete the quests, you will not be able to proceed. These look like dead bodies impaled in ice.

There is one named Elite guarding the Sacrificial Flesh at each location it can be found:The Garafad Iceblade possesses the enchantment Cold Enchantment, the Hyrug Gravemaker possesses the ability Waller, and the Khezzol Dreadtouch possesses the ability Terrifying. Each of these abilities can be found on the respective weapons.(1) Begin by setting the Levers in motion. It is important to take care not to get pricked by the spikes while you are searching for the two levers that are buried in the rocks on the ground. If you do get pricked, you will have to begin the process all over again. The first one can be found to the south of where you are currently standing, and the second one can be found to the north of where you are. After the beta weekends that were held in March, Blizzard made the announcement that it would be redesigning several dungeons that featured a significant amount of backtracking. These dungeons included a significant amount of backtracking. These weekends took place in March. You can find the Impaled Champion Baltrok just inside the door that leads to the Uncharted Depths area. This is the location where the door opens.

If you do not intend to clear the dungeon and instead just want to get back to Greganoch as quickly as possible, the quickest way to do so is to town portal back to Kyovashad and then make your way to the Bear Tribe Refuge from there. If you do not intend to clear the dungeon, however, you can simply get back to Greganoch as quickly as possible by doing so. You will, however, be required to finish this task if you do not intend to exit the dungeon after exploring it. It is absolutely necessary for you to make your way back to the Bear Tribe Refuge and engage in some sort of conversation with Greganoch. If that's not the case, then it's probably some sort of salvage operation or a business transaction.

Advice and pointers are available here. With specific mention of the Hammer of the Champion. Those players who are Necromancers or who have an alternate class that is a Necromancer will want to complete Rimescar Cavern in order to acquire the Aspect of Plunging Darkness. This will allow them to gain a significant advantage in combat. We have a map of the Altars of Lilith, and the one that is located in the southwestern part of Malnok is labeled as Altar of Lilith Number 18 on the map. This reward includes not only renown and gold, but also experience that scales with your level, and a one-of-a-kind mace known as the Grizzlys Maul. All of these benefits scale with your level.

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