Published May 14, 2023

A Step-by-Step Guide to Completing All of the Available Side Quests in Diablo 4: Call of the Ancients

This guide provides information on where the Call of the Ancients Side Quest can be picked up, the objectives of the quest, maps, strategies, and tips, as well as, where applicable, information about pre-requisites and follow-up quests.  In addition, this guide contains information on how to obtain the Call of the Ancients Side Quest.  In the game Diablo IV, you'll find the zone known as Fractured Peaks.
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By completing side quests, you have the opportunity to earn increasing amounts of gold and experience, and there is also a chance that you could earn up to +20 renown for the zone as a result of your efforts.  It is in your best interest to accept and finish as many of the available Side Quests in a given zone as you possibly can.  This will increase your overall experience and reputation in the zone.

We ask that you refer to our guide in order to obtain a detailed summary of all of the optional quests that are currently available in Fractured Peaks:

Side Quests and Other Adventures Connected to the Fractured Peaks RegionA CALL FROM THE ANCIENTS THE VOICE OF THE ANCIENTS CALLINGQUICK FACTS ABOUT DIABLO 4A Resonance With Previous Generations A CALL FROM THE ANCIENTS THE VOICE OF THE ANCIENTS CALLINGIt has been asked of you to present yourself before the powerful chieftain of the Bear Tribe.

This item can be found in Kyovashad, the Seat of the Heavens, and the Bear Tribe Refuge.

Chieftain Glous is the starting point for the journey into the unknown.

In order to complete the quest, it is necessary to have a conversation with the NPC that is located in the dungeon immediately after the fight against the boss.

The requirement for a level 8 minimum is the barest minimum that can be accepted.  In addition to this, it is necessary for you to have previously finished the quests known as Shattered Tribute and Beasts Challenge, both of which were given to you by the Bear Tribe.  Having done so is a prerequisite for this quest.

Resulting in: the absence of anything

A list of the objectives and plans that have been developed for Call of the Ancients can be found below:

  • There are many different objectives that must be accomplished in Call of the Ancients

  •  You should accept the chieftain's offer to become his champion, and after that, you should travel into the glacier in order to learn the secrets that the ancestors have kept hidden from the younger generations

  •  For those who are interested, a video game walkthrough is available

  •  The Assembling of the Elders and Wise OnesFinally, the Chieftain of the Bear Tribe will talk to you, giving you the opportunity to discuss significant matters with him

  •  This has been a long time coming

  •  In addition, he conveys his deepest condolences for the loss of life that occurred at Mount Arreat

  • 1

  •  Once you have completed this stage of the process, you will have access to a one-of-a-kind side quest dungeon known as the Hallowed Glacier

  •  It is located on the inside of the bend of the Bear Tribe Refuge, which can be found to the right

  •  You have no choice but to make your way to the entrance right away, and once there, you must go inside

  •  In spite of the fact that the objective of the mission is to explore, you must be prepared to engage in combat against multiple waves of foes in order to progress

Continue in a counterclockwise direction until you come to the turn to the right.  You need to keep going straight until you reach the wall; once you do, you'll need to make a sharp turn to the left in order to get closer to Sakoth, which is the next objective.  It would appear that one of the most powerful Khazra, Sakoth the Fleshless, does not have any fur or skin anywhere on its body.  He is known by the moniker "the Fleshless" in common parlance.  The victor of this battle should have an easy time winning the next one as well.  In the third step, you will need to relocate the Bloodstone so that it can be positioned on the pedestal that is home to the other Bloodstones.  After you have defeated Sakoth, there will be a Bloodstone lying on the ground behind him.  You can pick it up and use it to heal.  It is necessary that you retrieve this item before leaving the area, and you should do so immediately.  It was tasked with protecting a stone that had been stained with blood, and this stone held a significant amount of significance.  You will be able to acquire the Bloodstone if you engage in some sort of interaction with it.

Turn around and head back to the intersection; from there, proceed in a direction that is more aligned with the northeast.  After entering a room that is on the smaller side, you will need to make a sharp turn to the left and then another sharp turn to the right in order to get to the Pedestal.  When you have found the Bloodstone Pedestal, all you have to do to unlock the door that will take you to the subsequent area is click on the pedestal to place the bloodstone on it and then the door will be unlocked.  It would appear that the solution can be found in a location that is so appropriately named the Chamber of Misery.  The lifeless body of Kravett, a Shaman of the Bear Tribe, has been positioned so that it is facing the center of the room.

In order to complete the fifth step of the process, you will need to communicate with Kravett, who is the Shaman of the Bear Tribe.  Have a conversation with Kravett and see where it leads you. . .

. . .  and then he starts speaking in a tone that is entirely different from the one he had been using up until this point in the conversation.  Conquering Cyhrach is the sixth step in the process.  He employs a significant amount of Earth Magic, which not only restricts your movement but also has a powerful knockback effect.  You will notice that this power is charging up with a yellow bar at the bottom of his bar.  Once it has finished charging, you will notice that it is going down on an aqua bar.

Gold filling. . .

. . . Aqua receding

As soon as the aqua bar disappears from view, Cyhrach will immediately cast a powerful knockback spell that has an area of effect.  Just prior to the more significant explosion, you will also notice a brightly colored area of effect on the ground directly below you.  This region will have some kind of influence on the ground.  Now is a good time to use barriers, if you have any, or to run away from the range of your opponent's attack, whichever option is available to you at this point in the fight.  The explosion is immediately followed by a knockback that has an even further-reaching scope, and it occurs immediately after the explosion.  Aside from that, it's not a particularly complicated process.  It will be possible for you to monitor this information if you keep an eye on the charge up and charge down bars that are located on Cyhrach's status bar.  Have a conversation with Kravett, who is well-known throughout the Bear Tribe for his role as the Shaman for the tribe.  He claims that he attempted to get assistance from the people who had him locked up, but that he was unsuccessful in doing so, whereas you have been successful in doing so.

 He also claims that he tried to get assistance from the individuals who had him locked up.  Glous is instructed by Kravett to stop living in the past and to return to his people with a blessing for them.  Kravett also warns him not to dwell in the past.

The Advantages That Can Be Obtained Through Participating in the "Call of the Ancients"If you are successful in completing Call of the Ancients, you will be rewarded with +20 Fractured Peaks Renown, an Elixir Cache, an unusually large amount of gold, and experience that is proportional to your level.  In addition, you will receive a reward that is proportional to your level.  You will also be given an extraordinary sum of gold in addition to everything else.

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